Data Structures

Undergraduate course, University of Giresun, Department of Computer Engineering, 2023

data structure Data structures are fundamental components in computer science, serving as the building blocks for organizing, managing, and storing data efficiently. They enable the systematic arrangement of data to facilitate various operations such as searching, sorting, inserting, and deleting. Common data structures include arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, and graphs, each with unique properties and use cases. These fundamental concepts are the cornerstone of computer science and programming, and a deep understanding of them empowers us to write more efficient, organized, and robust code.

  • Ders Öğretim Planı [pdf]

The resources:

  • 2023-2024 [vize] [final] [bütünleme]
  • Data Structures and Algorithms in Java 6th Edition by Michael T. Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia, Michael H. Goldwasser [book]
  • CS-61B: Data Structures course page [website]
  • CENG-213: Data Structures course page [website]
  • Data Structures Easy to Advanced Course [youtube]
  • Veri Yapıları ve Algoritmalar, Ders Notları, Mustafa Ege.

Chapter 1: Introduction

Data structures are the backbone of computer science, serving as the fundamental building blocks that enable us to efficiently store, organize, and manipulate data. Here, we will explore a comprehensive spectrum of data structures, from the foundational concepts like arrays and linked lists to advanced topics that propel us into the future of computing.

Chapter 2: Arrays

Arrays are like the bread and butter of programming. They allow us to store a collection of elements of the same data type in contiguous memory locations, making it efficient to access and manipulate individual elements. Arrays are the building blocks upon which we construct more complex data structures, and understanding them is a crucial first step.

Chapter 3: Linked Lists

Linked lists are dynamic and flexible data structures that consist of nodes connected through pointers. Unlike arrays, linked lists don’t require contiguous memory, making them ideal for scenarios where data needs to be dynamically allocated or deallocated. Linked lists are foundational to understanding data organization and serve as the basis for more advanced structures.

Chapter 4: Stacks

Our journey continues with stacks, which follow the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) principle. Stacks are versatile and used in a myriad of applications, from managing function calls to evaluating expressions. Mastering stacks is essential for writing efficient and well-organized code, especially in situations where we need to keep track of data in a disciplined manner.

Chapter 5: Queues

Next up are queues, adhering to the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) principle. They play a pivotal role in scenarios such as task scheduling and resource management. Understanding queues is essential for ensuring tasks are executed systematically and fairly.

Chapter 6: Lists

Lists offer a more generalized approach to data storage, providing dynamic resizing and adaptability. They are instrumental in managing collections of data elements, and as programmers, we often rely on them for various tasks.

Chapter 7: Trees

Trees, one of the most intriguing and versatile data structures, take center stage in our journey. Trees consist of nodes connected in a hierarchical and branched structure, allowing us to represent complex relationships between data elements. Concepts like binary trees and tree traversal are essential for understanding how hierarchical data is organized.

Chapter 8: Priority Queues, Heaps

Heaps are specialized tree structures that enable efficient priority-based operations. They are instrumental in sorting algorithms and are used in applications where rapid access to high or low-priority elements is paramount.

Chapter 9: Maps, Hash Tables

Our journey then takes us to hash tables, which use hash functions to map keys to specific values, ensuring rapid data retrieval. Understanding hash tables is vital for efficient data storage and retrieval, especially when dealing with large datasets.

Chapter 10: Search Trees

Search trees, including binary search trees and AVL trees, are pivotal in maintaining ordered data. They underpin many searching and sorting algorithms, making them indispensable for computer scientists and programmers alike.

Chapter 11: Graphs

Graphs, with their intricate web of connections, offer a versatile way to model relationships between data elements. They are invaluable in applications ranging from social networks to routing and optimization problems. Understanding graph theory and traversal algorithms is essential for solving complex problems.

Chapter 12: Sets

Sets represent collections of unique elements and are essential for ensuring data uniqueness. They come into play in problem-solving scenarios where distinct data elements are required.

Chapter 13: Advanced Data Structures

As we venture further into our journey, we encounter advanced data structures such as B-trees, red-black trees, and splay trees. These structures offer sophisticated solutions to specific problems and are commonly found in database management systems and file systems.

Chapter 14: Advanced Topics in Data Structures

Our journey concludes with a glimpse into advanced topics within data structures, including concurrent data structures, memory management, and data compression. These topics are at the cutting edge of data structure research, propelling us into the future of advanced computing and system-level programming.