2013 Blog posts

The Weight of What Ifs

4 minute read


what if In the intricate dance of life, the question “What if?” holds a dual role—it can be a powerful motivator, driving us to prepare for the future and push beyond our limits, or a paralyzing force, chaining us to fear and doubt. This simple phrase often arises when we face crossroads or uncertain outcomes, forcing us to grapple with the unknown. The fear of taking the wrong step, the worry about unforeseen consequences, and the anxiety surrounding imagined scenarios can cast long shadows over our decisions, keeping us from fully embracing the present moment. Read more

A genius and visionary Nicola Tesla

2 minute read


gallows A Genius and Visionary Nicola Tesla was one of the most brilliant inventors and scientists of his time. Born in 1856 in Croatia, Tesla moved to America in 1884 to pursue his passion for electrical engineering. He is best-known for his ground-breaking work in the field of electrical power and magnetism, which led to the development of the AC (alternating current) system that we use to this day. Read more


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