Blog posts

About social network analysis

8 minute read


social network analysis Social network analysis is a field of study that focuses on the relationships and connections among individuals or organizations. It involves the use of methods and techniques from fields such as sociology, computer science, and mathematics to understand how these relationships and connections impact behavior, communication, and decision-making. By analyzing patterns of relationships within a network, social network analysts can gain insights into the structure and function of the network as a whole. This type of analysis is useful for a wide range of applications, including studying the spread of disease, predicting the success of marketing campaigns, and understanding the dynamics of social groups. Read more

The Liberating Power of Vulnerability Among Trusted Friends

2 minute read


In the complex tapestry of human relationships, there’s a rare and invaluable luxury - the ability to be vulnerable around those we trust. This unique dynamic allows individuals to shed the armor they wear in the outside world and be their authentic selves, free from the need to conceal or edit any aspect of their being. Read more

How to be a good software developer

7 minute read


software developer There are numerous qualities and skills that are essential for success in a software engineering career. Here are a few key things that you can do to become a good software engineer. Firstly, having strong programming and technology skills is very important , as is staying up-to-date on the latest trends and emerging technologies in the field. Additionally, being able to work collaboratively in a team setting, communicating effectively, and having strong problem-solving abilities are all important traits for a software engineer to possess. Other important qualities include attention to detail, critical thinking, and a willingness to constantly learn and grow. A good software engineer should be curious and inquisitive, eager to explore new approaches and innovations in the ever-evolving field of software development. Read more

Vim a powerful text editor

14 minute read


vim Vim is a text editor that is widely used by programmers and users who prefer to use a command-line interface (CLI). It is known for its powerful features and efficiency, and is often used as a replacement for the standard terminal text editor, vi. Vim is available on most Unix-like operating systems, as well as on Windows. Some of the features of Vim include syntax highlighting, support for multiple programming languages, and the ability to use multiple windows and buffers for editing files. One of the key features of Vim is its mode-based interface, which allows the user to perform different actions depending on the mode that Vim is in. For example, in normal mode, the user can navigate through the text and make basic edits, while in insert mode, the user can insert new text into the file. Read more


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