What are Data Structures?
Data structures are specialized formats for organizing, processing, retrieving and storing data in
computers. Each data structure is designed to serve specific purposes and has its own advantages and
limitations. Understanding these structures is crucial for writing efficient programs!
Why Study Data Structures?
- Better code organization and data management
- Improved program efficiency and performance
- Essential for solving complex programming problems
- Fundamental to software development
Data Structure Information
A variable is the most basic form of data storage in programming. It:
- Stores a single value of a specific data type (integer, string, etc.)
- Has a name (identifier) and a value
- Takes up a fixed amount of memory based on its data type
- Can be modified throughout program execution
Pointers are variables that store memory addresses. They:
- Enable indirect access to values
- Are fundamental to dynamic memory allocation
- Allow creation of complex data structures
- Require careful handling to avoid memory leaks
Arrays are collections of elements stored in contiguous memory locations. Key characteristics:
- Fixed size in most programming languages
- Direct access to elements using indices (O(1) time complexity)
- Efficient for storing and accessing sequential data
- Memory efficient as elements are stored together
- Best for: Sequential access, fixed-size collections
Linked Lists
A sequence of elements where each element points to the next. Properties:
- Dynamic size - can grow or shrink during execution
- Non-contiguous memory storage
- Efficient insertion and deletion at known positions (O(1))
- Linear time access to elements (O(n))
- Types: Singly linked, Doubly linked, Circular
- Best for: Dynamic collections, frequent insertions/deletions
A Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) data structure. Features:
- Two main operations: Push (add) and Pop (remove)
- Access limited to top element only
- All operations are O(1) time complexity
- Common uses: Function calls, undo operations, expression evaluation
- Best for: Tracking state with last-in-first-out behavior
A First-In-First-Out (FIFO) data structure. Features:
- Two main operations: Enqueue (add) and Dequeue (remove)
- Elements added at rear, removed from front
- All operations are O(1) time complexity
- Common uses: Job scheduling, resource management
- Types: Simple queue, Circular queue, Priority queue
- Best for: Order processing, resource pooling
A hierarchical data structure with a root node and child nodes. Features:
- Root node at the top, with child nodes branching down
- Each node can have multiple children but only one parent
- Common types: Binary trees, Binary Search Trees (BST), AVL trees
- Used for: File systems, DOM, decision trees, databases
- Operations typically have O(log n) time complexity in balanced trees
- Best for: Hierarchical data, searching, sorting
A collection of nodes (vertices) connected by edges. Features:
- Can be directed (one-way) or undirected (two-way) connections
- May be weighted (edges have values) or unweighted
- Can contain cycles or be acyclic
- Common implementations: Adjacency matrix, Adjacency list
- Used for: Social networks, maps, network routing
- Best for: Representing relationships and connections